Are You Attending?


A Quick Spin Guideline Recap

Greetings and grace! Thanks for stopping by to confirm your attendance.We are really SpinCited about celebrating you, the fellowshipping and the connecting so that we can work together for His Glory!

!Real quick, below, please find a portion of some of the guidelines you agreed to when you accepted your nomination.  For all the Spin Nominee Guidelines, please use this link!  We love you over here but the Lord loves unutterably MORE!

ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES: Please make plans to attend the Spin Awards. There are no ticket purchases required for nominees who confirm their nomination and attendance by September 01, 2024, no mandatory purchases, and/or hotel reservations to complete, however, you MUST be in attendance to receive your award and recognition as the prevailer in your category/categories. 

EVERY NOMINEE HONORED. Every nominee will be honored during the Spin Awards even if YOU DO NOT prevail in your category. We beseech you to circle the date in your heart and plan to attend. We want to honor you, in person, with an eventful, fun-filled weekend while bringing Glory to His Name. So we hope to see you there.

FINALIST. You will know you are a Spin Awards Finalist if your name/show/station is announced and appears on the screen during The Spin Awards ceremony. All confirmed nominees are honored during the weekend and are listed in the Official Spin Awards Souvenir Book.
