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Please note that Awards such as The Everett Drake Distinction In Radio Award and the Spin Awards Christian Gospel Radio Hall of Fame Award as well as other special awards are awarded by The Spin Awards and are not part of the nomination process. Also, the legendary Mr. Drake will be on hand to present the Everett Drake Distinction In Radio Award himself.
VOTING GUIDELINES: Using special software or building of bots to send your name in multiple times through non-existent email or fake email addresses to vote will be grounds for us to eliminate and/or void your entry/entries from The Spin Awards ballot, ultimately this means being disqualified from being a Spin Awards winner should you prevail in your category. Voting will start October11, 2024 @ 12 PM EST and end on October 15, 2024.
ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES: Please make plans to attend the Spin Awards. There are no ticket purchases required for nominees who confirm their nomination and attendance by October 15, 2024, no mandatory purchases, and/or hotel reservations to complete, however, you MUST be in attendance to receive your award and recognition as the prevailer in your category/categories. If you DO NOT ATTEND, you forfeit your right to prevail in your category. Exceptions to this rule are limited and can only be determined by the Spin Awards Staff at their discretion in writing by email or snail mail. We in love, spend thousands of dollars and expend countless hours of our time to make this event memorable for you, our very special nominee. This one (The Spin Awards) is for you and only you, so please plan to be there.
Barring those exceptions, you cannot just simply send a representative in your place. You MUST contact your awesome Spin Team in advance to determine if a waiver is possible .
EVERY NOMINEE HONORED. Every nominee will be honored during the Spin Awards even if YOU DO NOT prevail in your category. We beseech you to circle the date in your heart and plan to attend. We want to honor you, in person, with an eventful, fun-filled weekend while bringing Glory to His Name. So we hope to see you there.
FINALIST. You will know you are a Spin Awards Finalist if your name/show/station is announced and appears on the screen during The Spin Awards ceremony. All nominees are honored during the weekend and are listed in the Official Spin Awards Souvenir Book.
FAMILY/FRIEND TICKETS. If you have family and/or friends that intend to accompany you to the Spin Awards, please note that you are the only one receiving a ticket without charge. So any Spin Awards admissions besides you, the nominee, requires Spin Awards ticket(s). Tickets for your family and friends can be purchased either online or at the door. Special priced tickets are available until October, 15, 2024 We hope you do decide to take advantage of the special pricing and seating arrangements for nominees and their families. The full “at the door” ticket price will be required for ALL admissions. The at the door ticket price is $47.50 for general admission. VIP & regular priced tickets can be purchased now at
CREATING A BUZZ. Over the upcoming weeks, you and your team should create a crazy buzz through social media and beyond with flyers and other creative means to garner support from your fan base. Please DO NOT just take for granted you are getting “vote” support. Please push for your votes. Please use the hashtag #SpinAwards2024 for your social media promotions. We have created some assets to aid you in your social media campaigns but you are expected to create your own promotional flyers.
SPIN ITINERARY. Please expect activities over the entire three-day period. View #TheSpin Itin @
THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENTS – Oct 24-25, 2024Hilton Hotel Northeast, Peachtree Corners, Georgia5993 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092Workshops/Showcases/Comedy Special FRIDAY PRE-CEREMONY – Oct 25, 2024Venue for Pre-CeremonyHilton Hotel Northeast, Peachtree Corners, Georgia5993 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
SATURDAY EVENTS – October 26, 2024
Aurora Theatre Grand Stage (Campus Expansion Building)
125 N Clayton St, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
RED CARPET: October 26, 2024 ATTIRE: Black Tie Optional/Formal
HOST HOTEL: HILTON NORTHEAST, Peachtree Corners, GA. Link:
EVENT REGISTRATION: #FreeRegistration #FreeAdmission
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send them to We usually answer within 24-48 hours.
Remember, we created this event to honor YOU for the work you do for the Lord in Christian Gospel Radio. This is for you. We are celebrating you! We are working so hard to present you with a positive, prestigious experience.
We like to say over here at TEAM SPIN AWARDS that “It’s your turn” to be loved and appreciated. We humbly ask you to help us make this the #1 CHRISTIAN GOSPEL RADIO WEEKEND (even if you decide not to attend this year) by liking, sharing, and posting. In addition, you can also support the Spin Awards by becoming a Spin Awards Affiliate, sponsor, ad purchases or donations. We are a no-fee platform. No fees for nominees, no fees for artists to minister with free workshops, and more. Also, please join the Facebook Spin Awards Event Page if your are attending and like our Spin Awards Facebook Page. You can follow us on Twitter @TheSpinAwards. May the Lord bless and keep you always in all your ways.
Congratulations Again,
The Spin Awards Team